CECA Breakout
I was a participant in Clint Kennedy’s last presentation at CECA and have finally found some time to blog my response. First, it was a wonderful session, very thought provoking and enlightening; I was also relieved to hear others with similar web 2.0 concerns.
I was disappointed that the CECA session ended so quickly as we were just beginning to enter some important topics, chief among them that I fear in my school is the impact of software patents, such as blackboards and now IBM’s (although I’m not completely clear if IBM’s will impact education). I currently have a Drupal site (www.mrseal.org), independent of my school, for my classes (a novelty for my students, and administrators). My fear is I’ll not be allowed to continue because of the threat of litigation regardless of how preposterous that threat may be.
And that’s just the beginning without even mentioning DOPA…..